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Shelly Doss

Shelly Doss, RN, DNP, FNP-C UTMB Health Provider

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  • Shelly Doss is a board certified Family Nurse Practitioner currently practicing at The University of Texas Medical Branch. She has provided critical care in surgery, trauma, burn and transplant intensive care units in a variety of academic medical centers. She obtained a master's degree in critical care/education and worked in the emergency department and in critical care units for the Department of Defense where she taught Advanced Cardiac Life Support and the Trauma Nursing Core Course at William Beaumont Army Medical Center and Wilford Hall Air Force Medical Center.

    She has served as a faculty member at the University of Texas Medical Branch and at Texas Woman's University/ Parkland Campus in Dallas. She returned to Texas Woman's University to obtain a postgraduate certification as a family nurse practitioner and after several years in a collaborative internal medicine practice in San Antonio, she returned to the University of Texas Medical Branch and worked in the Division of Cardiology for thirteen years.

    She is now practicing in Internal Medicine and enjoys providing comprehensive, individualized patient care. In addition, she works in collaboration with others teaching medical residents and nursing students empathy in clinical practice and conflict management. Her research interests are focused in biomedical ethics. She is a member of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, American College of Cardiology, American Heart Association, American Association of Critical Care Nurses and Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society.

  • Medical/Professional School:

    Doctor of Nursing Practice, University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa, AL, DNP, 2013


    American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, Family Nurse Practitioner

    Texas Board of Nursing, Registered Nurse/Advanced Practice Nurse

  • Why do some providers have no ratings?
    At UTMB, a provider's ratings are only posted when she/he has a minimum of 30 completed surveys within the past twelve months. New-to-UTMB providers or individuals in less common areas of practice may be temporarily under this threshold. We set this baseline to ensure we offer the most accurate reflection of each Individual.

    Why No Ratings?