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Erika Schulze

Erika Schulze, MSN, APRN, FNP-C UTMB Health Provider

  • UTMB Health Primary Care, Marina Bay
    • 3023 Marina Bay Drive
      Suite 101
      League City, TX 77573
    • Phone: (281) 549-9950
    • Fax: (281) 549-4575
  • Erika Schulze was born and raised in the Midwest in Illinois 30 minutes outside of St. Louis, MO. She completed her academic training at Goldfarb School of Nursing in St. Louis, MO. Her experience spans 16 years, which included working at Barnes Hospital as staff nurse on general medicine floor for 8 years; Pulmonary and Critical Care research at Washington University in St. Louis, MO. In 2003, Erika was accepted into graduate school at Goldfarb School of Nursing and completed Master of Science degree in Nursing with focus as an Adult Nurse Practitioner. This program was two and half years of additional medical assessment and decision training including diagnostic testing. Since completing Graduate School, she has worked in the primary care setting. She moved to Texas and started working at UTMB in January 2013.

    During her time off, she enjoys her home, gardening, and time with her family and friends. She is passionate about animal welfare charities and animal fostering programs. Erika is also very passionate about the mental health of the community. She chairs a weekly support group, Nar Anon, for family and friends of those suffering from addiction.

  • Medical/Professional School:

    MSN, Goldfarb School of Nursing at Barnes Jewish College - Saint Louis, MO, 2006


    Texas Board of Nursing, Family Nurse Practitioner

    American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, Advanced Practice Nurse

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