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James King

James King, MD UTMB Health Provider

  • UTMB Health Adult Urgent Care, Galveston
    • 6416 Broadway Street
      Galveston, TX 77551
    • Phone: (409) 266-0227
    • Fax: (409) 772-3680
  • I enjoy practicing all aspects of Family Medicine. I am board certified in Family Medicine, and have been in practice for over 40 years. I recently joined the primary care clinic in Angleton and enjoy it very much. It reminds of the small town I grew up in, in Oklahoma. I especially enjoy the drive over along the Bluewater highway.

    My wife and I moved to Galveston in 2003. We love living on the beach and visiting our grandchildren.

  • Medical/Professional School:

    University of Oklahoma College of Medicine - Oklahoma City, OK, MD, 1976


    Family Medicine, University of Oklahoma College of Medicine - Oklahoma City, OK, 1977


    Family Medicine, University of Oklahoma College of Medicine - Oklahoma City, OK, 1983


    ABFM, American Board of Family Medicine

  • Why do some providers have no ratings?
    At UTMB, a provider's ratings are only posted when she/he has a minimum of 30 completed surveys within the past twelve months. New-to-UTMB providers or individuals in less common areas of practice may be temporarily under this threshold. We set this baseline to ensure we offer the most accurate reflection of each Individual.

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