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Cheryl Breaux

Cheryl Breaux, MSN, RN, FNP-BC, AGACNP-BC, RNFA UTMB Health Provider

  •   Scheduling not available
    Specialties: Surgery - Trauma and Acute Care
    Languages: English
  • No Location details to display. Call (800) 917-8906 for assistance.

  • Mrs. Breaux is a Nurse Practitioner who specializes in Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. She is a graduate of University of Texas Arlington for her BSN and University of Texas Health Science Center for her MSN and Family Practitioner NP. She completed her Acute Care NP degree at University of Pennsylvania. She assists in surgery and enjoys taking care of surgical patients in the hospital as well as in the office setting. "It is so rewarding for me when I have a patient who has needed an emergent and unplanned surgery make a full recovery. I could not think of a more rewarding career than to help people return to their normal lives after an accident or surgery." In her free time she enjoys gardening, cooking and travel.

  • Medical/Professional School:

    FNP, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston - Houston, TX, 2013

    MSN, University of Pennsylvania, 2016

  • Why do some providers have no ratings?
    At UTMB, a provider's ratings are only posted when she/he has a minimum of 30 completed surveys within the past twelve months. New-to-UTMB providers or individuals in less common areas of practice may be temporarily under this threshold. We set this baseline to ensure we offer the most accurate reflection of each Individual.

    Why No Ratings?