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Aji Thomas

Aji Thomas, DNP, MS, APRN, FNP-C, RNC-MNN UTMB Health Provider

  • UTMB Health Regional Women’s Services & Pediatrics, Sugarland
    • 14823 Southwest Freeway
      Sugar Land, TX 77478
    • Phone: (409) 266-1888
    • Fax: (281) 277-0878
  • No Biography details to display.

  • Medical/Professional School:

    MSN, Texas Woman's University - Houston, TX, 2018

    DNP, Chamberlain School of Nursing - Downers Grove, IL, 2021

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  • A primary care physician is a specialist who provides care to the patient at the point of first contact and takes continuing responsibility for providing comprehensive care. Primary care includes health promotion, disease prevention, health maintenance, counseling, patient education, diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic illnesses. Primary care practices provide patients with ready access to their own personal physician, or to an established back-up team when the primary physician is not available.

    If your child is less than one month old, please call (409) 266-1888 to be scheduled.

    Is this appointment for a gynecology or birth control visit? Please schedule with one of our Gynecology providers, search “Maternal and Child Specialist - Women's Health” or call (409) 266-1888 to be scheduled.

    START HERE: Answer the following question, then choose the time that best fits your schedule!

    If the times below do not meet your needs, please call (800) 917-8906 to speak with someone about our wait-list options.

    Has the patient been seen by UTMB Health Regional Pediatrics provider before?