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Mimi Nguyen

Mimi Nguyen, PsyD UTMB Health Provider

  •  Call for Appointment
     Accepting new patients
    Specialties: Psychology and Mental Health - Child and Adolescent
    Languages: English
  • UTMB Health Pedi Psychology/Mental Health, Bay Colony
  • Dr. Thu "Mimi" Nguyen is a licensed psychologist and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pediatrics. In her clinical practice, Dr. Nguyen provides evidence-based treatments, diagnostic, and consultation services for pediatric primary care providers within an integrated behavioral health model. Dr. Nguyen is committed to improve accessibility to mental health care for children and families in low-income communities.

  • Medical/Professional School:

    Psy.D., University of Houston - Clear Lake - Houston, TX, 2023


    Pediatric Primary Care/Pediatric Psychology, Texas Childrens Hospital/Baylor College of Medicine - Houston, TX, 2024

  • Why do some providers have no ratings?
    At UTMB, a provider's ratings are only posted when she/he has a minimum of 30 completed surveys within the past twelve months. New-to-UTMB providers or individuals in less common areas of practice may be temporarily under this threshold. We set this baseline to ensure we offer the most accurate reflection of each Individual.

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